Arcadia Earth

The Arcadia Earth augmented reality application is designed as an educational tool to innovate the means by which we engage students and unite them in action around environmental issues. The app allows students to build their own ecosystems and interact with the environments they create, all in the comfort of their own home. The app can be used for both independent learning and in the classroom, where teachers will be able to customize lessons based on the environmental issues they want to address. In real time, teachers will be able to guide their students' work and help illustrate the day's lesson using educational tools such as videos, note cards and classroom challenges.


Our goal was to create an interactive video showing the best moments of the app. We worked on a script that would allow us to navigate through the experience and make different decisions that would encourage the user to learn more about how they could use the app to help students learn through the STEM method in a fun and dynamic way. 

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